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Sharon chats with Dan Sieradski

4 Responses to “Sharon chats with Dan Sieradski”

  1. Nice title for this clip; as in–everytime there’s a headline about Sharon (you know, it’s his LAST name?) in the paper, my houseboy says, “Hey look your friend Sharon (you know, it’s her FIRST name?) is in the news again!” and golly jeezus, don’t we just have ourselves a belly laugh… and then he dusts off the tennis court and we have our morning martini.

  2. Всем привет! Я тут новичок. Примите в компанию? 🙂

  3. В вашем сообщении конечно много чего упрощено, в отличии от реалий… 🙂

  4. I just love your weblog! Very nice post! Still you can do many things to improve it.


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